- Students are to maintain a high standard of good manners and general behaviour.
- They should be polite and well-behaved within the school compound and outside, and nurture qualities of respect for elders and teachers, honesty and truthfulness, at all mes and places.
- Students are exhorted to be orderly, clean in person and mind, neatly dressed, well-behaved at all mes and co-operate in maintaining the cleanliness of the school, classroom and campus.
- Absolute silence must be observed during the general assembly, and while moving to the classroom and in the classroom.
- In the absence of teachers,the Monitor assumes full responsibility for maintenance of order and discipline in the class, a duty which he must fulfill loyally and impartially.
- Students given any responsibility, should undertake it dutifully and impartially in accordance with the directions of Principal or teacher deputed by him/her.
- Students must not walk about in the verandah and around the classroom during the class hours.
- Students should not write, carve or scratch on the school walls or deface the school furniture.
- Respect for one’s property and the school property as well as those belonging to others is the mark of the well-bred and responsible student. Damage of any kind to school property will be made good from the student.
- Students must always speak in English in the school premises and maintain a high standard in their conversations.
- All students must be in possession of a copy of the school Handbook and Prospectus, which must be brought to school daily.
- Each student is responsible for his/her things. The school will not be responsible for the loss of books, stationery, money, clothes etc. of the student. It is advisable not to bring any valuables to school. The pupils will not keep money with them.
- Books, comics, newspapers, pictures, periodicals,transistors,mobile phones or instruments not pertaining to their daily work and not approved by the Principal, must not be brought to school.
- Articles found in the school premises are to be handed over to the office.
- Students must not throw about papers or food stuffs anywhere in the school premises, except in the bins provided for the purpose.
- Pupils are not allowed to visit the staff room, unless required to do so by any teacher.
- Students will not leave the school campus on any account during the school hours without the Permission of the Principal.
- Late comers and absentees from the school will not be admitted to class without the express sanction of the Principal.
- No fines or collection for any purpose whatsoever may be made without the express sanction of the Principal.
- A collective peon or complaint will not be entertained but individual complaint will be extended sympathetic consideration.
- No student may take private tuition in a subject from any of the school staff.
- Pupils suffering from contagious or infectious diseases should not attend school.
- All boys and girls are expected to take part in games, sports and other school activities in a pure team spirit and sportsman spirit.
- . Participation in inter-house activities and school functions is obligatory. Failure to participate will be punishable as deemed by the Principal.
- All students shall attend classes and other functions of the school regularly and neatly dressed in the prescribed uniform.
Annual promotions are decided through a system of continuous assessment throughout the year. The promotion of student will be on the aggregate basis :
- The marks obtained in the annual examinations alone will not determine the promotion of the student. The total marks are divided among three term examination.
- If any student does not show steady and consistent progress in studies, he/she is not liable to be promoted.
- There will be no re-examination or examination out of schedule.
- For being promoted, a student must secure a minimum of 40% marks in each subject and total aggregate of 45%.
- No leave other than medical leave will be sanctioned during the examination; medical leave is to be applied for when the leave is taken and supported by medical certificate. A fitness certificate also must be produced when attends the class next. HOWEVER, HE/SHE WILL HAVE TO FORGO THE MARKS IN THE AGGREGATE
- Students detected in giving or obtaining/attempting to give or obtain unfair assistance at the examinations will be disqualified.
- Students shall not take any books, notes, paper etc. into the examination hall.
- All cases of doubt regarding evaluation of answer papers and promotion rest entirely at the discretion of the Principal.
- In case a child fails consecutively twice in a class he/she will not be allowed to continue in the school.